High cruise passenger disembarkation rate for Guernsey
So far this cruise season, St Peter Port has welcomed 28 cruise ships to its shores, with 32,294 passengers disembarking to explore the island. We’re pleased to report a high passenger landing (disembarking) average of 84% to date.
19 July 2023
These passengers have enjoyed 340 pre-booked tours of the island as well as spontaneous booked excursions and tours upon arrival. In addition, recent data from the Guernsey Retail Group has recorded a 34% increase in store footfall on cruise ship days for St Peter Port.
St Peter Port is named as the ‘Best UK & British Isles Port of Call’ a total of four times and named on TripAdvisor’s Spring Travel Index as number four in the list of fastest growing UK destinations. We hope the remainder of the 2023 cruise season which continues until October continues to be a good season for our island and visitors.