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Moving Forward – the Bailiwick Blueprint

The Civil Contingencies Authority (CCA) has released its provisional timeframe for moving through the exit from lockdown strategy and removing border and travel restrictions.

18 March 2021

The document, which can be read online at sets out a timeline for removing restrictions with an estimated date at which all restrictions will be lifted.

While we are part of the British Isles, we have our own exit from lockdown strategy – Moving Forward- the Bailiwick Blueprint. It sets out a timeline, with estimated dates, for when all restrictions will be lifted. From 22nd March until 30th April non-essential travel is allowed subject to a mandatory 14 days of self-isolation on arrival in the Bailiwick. Non-essential travel on or after 30 April 2021 will be subject to border controls based on country/region categorisations. These will determine the self-isolation requirements. The aim is by 1st July our borders will re-open completely, subject to some conditions being met.

 You can view the estimated time line within the Bailiwick Blueprint here

We know there are a lot of questions on how this will work practically and what it means for each of you and your businesses. We have started an FAQ document answering some of the questions you have – please view these here. 


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