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October 2023 Trade Update

Latest trade update from the team

04 October 2023

Renoir exhibition has generated more than £500,000 worth of coverage for Guernsey

'Renoir in Guernsey, 1883’ is organised by Art for Guernsey in collaboration with Guernsey Museums and the Giverny Museum and our visiting journalist programme has engaged with more than 150 journalists, with almost 80 pieces of coverage specifically about Renoir, the exhibition and his links to Guernsey, including print, digital, social, radio and TV, to UK and French audiences.

Last week alone we featured in The Times, including three pages in The Sunday Times and The Guardian, both solus trips early last week that VG had arranged the travel, accommodation and itineraries for. Further to that, we hosted a group journalists’ trip last weekend, with coverage still to come.  In addition to the PR work we have been doing, with our partners Lotus PR and Orchard PR, we arranged a number of Guernsey and London based events targeting art and culture specific journalists in the lead up to the opening of the exhibition. 

One of our key strategic aims is to extend the season, and bookings reflect a positive direction. Industry data shows a provisional predicted occupancy for Sept at 78%. This compares to actual occupancy for Sept in 2019 at 73% and in 2022 at 71%. Oct provisional predictions are 54%, compared to 50% occupancy in 2019 and 48% in 2022.

Working collaboratively with Art for Guernsey on this event has been a great example of how we can deliver excellent coverage for the Islands.

Read more here, including what else we are doing to support this unique opportunity. 


French ID card scheme

You may have seen that Jersey has announced they will be extending the French ID card scheme for day trippers to Sept 2024 – and we are hoping to soon announce that we will be doing the same.

Deputy Rob Prow, President of the Committee for Home Affairs has said:

‘We have been in discussion with colleagues in Jersey at a political and officer level and the UK Home Office, regarding the extension of our French day-tripper scheme. The pilot scheme this summer was very successful and we are keen to extend it for another year. I can confirm that it is our intention to introduce a similar extension. We have some further discussion to do with the UK on this and will seek to provide an update as soon as possible.’

Read more here and we will update you when we have more information.


The Guernsey Trade workshop starts next week

We are looking forward to welcoming trade contacts from Guernsey, the UK and Europe to the workshop next week. With almost 70 attending the event, it offers one to one meetings, social events and the chance to find out more about the Islands of Guernsey, to promote to their audiences.

With more than 20 representatives coming from UK and European tour operators it offers a unique opportunity for Bailiwick accommodation providers, carriers and attraction and activity providers to connect and discuss how they can work together.

Thank you to those who have registered to attend the event and to those travelling over to join us. For our partners travelling to Guernsey for the event, you should have now received your personalised itineraries, which have event and transfer information.

If you have any questions please get in touch with Chloe or Imogen. See you all next week! 

Cruise trends

We have now welcomed the final cruise ship of the year and are delighted that, throughout the season, 79% of passengers have disembarked in our islands.

Those visiting by cruise liner contribute to our passenger volumes and rough seas are one thing we cannot change. A run of bad weather mid-end of May saw a series of cancellations which negatively affected our overall passenger volumes. While passengers departing Guernsey by ferry and cruise ship and yacht were up in Q2, compared to the same period in 2022, cruise ship and yacht departures were 46% down compared to 2019.

While the season may be over for this year, the work continues with ongoing conversations with operators of both big and small ships, including Princess Cruises. Alongside the engagement, we have been working with excursion agents to better tailor what the Island offers with what those visiting on cruise ships want to do, encouraging smaller, more bespoke experiences.

Cruise & Ferry Review recently reported that shore excursion programmes focusing on the natural environment or that provide a hint of adventure are seeing a surge in sales, something we can capitalise on. The feature also included small cruise ships who are increasingly looking for destinations which are considered hidden gems and that these lesser-known ports are contributing to very good sales and positive passenger feedback - all encouraging for us.


Le French Festival arrives this month

This Autumn, Le French Festival returns to the Islands of Guernsey, with a host of French themed activities, events, food, and music.

Taking place between Tue 10th and Sun 15th Oct, and returning for the first time since 2019, the festival is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a taste of France here on Guernsey. 

This year we have put more focus than ever before on marketing into France, alongside marketing our French connections to a UK audience. All of this is perfect timing, as we support the promotion of the Renoir exhibition and ahead of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings which takes place next year.

The Normandy markets are returning and will be based in Market Square and, for those who love the distinctive flavours of French cuisine, there are plenty of other foodie offerings to get your teeth into. There will also be a programme of music, with visiting French musicians playing at number of venues, themed guided cycle rides and walking tours, displays and exhibitions in libraries and galleries across the Island and so much more. 

Full details of the festival can be found here. Please also download this poster to promote the Festival


Meet Caroline

Caroline Spink has recently joined the States in a tourism liaison role and is looking forward to meeting trade representatives at either the Trade Workshop on Thurs 12 Oct or individually in the coming months. Her role is fairly broad, and includes the issuing of boarding permits, inspection of privately let accommodation and monitoring visitor accommodation change of use requests. Caroline will be your primary contact for any of those items and will also be available to assist you, or your guests, with any complaints or other situations where appropriate. She is keen to forge strong relationships and work collaboratively with you to maintain and improve the visitor experience in the Bailiwick of Guernsey.

With effect from the 2nd Oct, Guernsey has a new Trading Standards Ordinance and as a part of this she would like to ask you to please review your own websites and also your current listing on the VisitGuernsey site to check that the details are all still current. If there are any inaccuracies or if you would like to add or remove details or provide new photographs please let us know by email:

Please also feel free to email Caroline directly if there is anything she can assist with:

Guernsey Information Centre winter opening hours

From November, the Guernsey Information Centre will change to its winter hours as follows:

Monday – Friday: 10am - 3pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed 

You can contact the centre on 


Send us your Christmas special offers

Everyone is starting to think about their plans for Christmas and New Year and now is a great time to advertise your special offers and package deals for the festive period.  Send the details through to us and we will add them to our Offers page.  

If you would like to include any special offers or package deals on our Island Insider newsletter, get in touch with - we still have space for the rest of the year. 


As always, we are on hand to help and support in any way we can, so if there is anything that we can help with, please do get in touch.

With thanks, the VisitGuernsey team.

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